Mulching has may benefits it helps retain moisture in the soil, keeps soil cool in the summer and helps suppress weed growth. In addition, while the wood Mulch decomposes it reduces soil compaction which leaves openings for roots to expand. Decomposition also returns micronutrients and minerals including carbon into the soil which is essential for healthy plant growth. Call today – Fast delivery to St Petersburg, Tampa, Clearwater available 6 days a week.
Mulch Basics – First clear the area of weeds and grass, measure the areas you intend to cover then call or come by Carroll’s Building Materials to place your Mulch order. The standard recommended depth for your mulch is 3″. At this depth one cubic yard of mulch will cover 108 Square feet. Try not to over mulch, excessive Mulch can pull roots to close to the surface, this will stress the plant during dry weather conditions. Weed barriers are not recommended beneath this wood mulch, it will negate all of the benefits of the mulch while it decomposes. When mulching around trees avoid heaping mulch around the base of the tree because it can cause the bark to rot.
Finally, beware of cheap mulch made from wood from demolition materials, pallets or pressure treated lumber which can contain dangerously high levels of arsenic.